
Senses and Sensations is a community of scholars conducting field-leading sensory research at the University of Bristol.

We are a cross-disciplinary group based in the Faculty of Arts, our members drawn from History, English, Liberal Arts, History of Art, Classics, Film, Music, Modern Languages, and beyond the Faculty, from Geographical Sciences, Sociology, Biological Sciences, Dentistry and Medicine.

The group places emphasis on how critical the sensing body has been and is to our study of human and nonhuman worlds, asking questions about how sensations have been experienced and understood across historical and contemporary contexts.



If you would like to be notified about our public events, please register for our mailing list.

If you are looking for information about the group, to join as an internal member, or would like to collaborate in some way, please contact Lena Ferriday or Andy Flack.


Header Image: Paul Blenkhorn via Unsplash